BDSM 的新手引導、教學及安全知識索引
▾ Fetish 101
乳膠 Latex
▾ 詞彙表 Glossary
現今資訊科技及社會價值觀的開放,愈來愈多人在現代文學 (例如由法國作家Anne Desclos 所撰寫的情慾著作The Story of O)又或者電影 (格雷的五十道陰影)中接觸到BDSM一詞。 自此有很多人都對BDSM充滿好奇但又感到無從入手,所以此頁是讓對BDSM有興趣的人獲得一個引導,同時也是一頁讓有經驗的Kinkster* 溫故知新的重要一環。 到時是否真的如格雷的五十度陰影內描述般,只有用施虐或享受被虐才算BDSM呢?
With the openness of today’s information technology and social values, more and more people are exposed to BDSM in modern literature. (such as The Story of O by the French writer Anne Desclos and Fifty Shades of Grey by E L James) Since then, many people have been curious about BDSM but don’t know where to start.
This page is a guide for those who are new and interested in BDSM, and a review for those who are experienced in Kink. Is it true that as it is described in literature ”The Fifty Shade of Grey", BDSM is only all about sadism and masochism?